At no other time in life’s journey, are we more creative and holding more potential for greatness, than in the early childhood years!

Babies who are stimulated neurologically across a broad range of human intelligences have a head start in life. Make the most of babyhood!

It is proven that babies who are stimulated neurologically across a broad range of human intelligences have a head start in life. Make the most of babyhood!

At My Brilliant Baby [add TM] we show why 0-3 is the critical period to cultivate potential in 8 distinct forms…

Through our book “80 activities for a bright baby”, our resources, workshops, seminars and keynote addresses… we show how to maximise intelligence in early childhood.

Our audiences range from groups to very large conferences, in academia, in business, in early childhood settings and schools.

People who absorb our knowledge and inspiration include parents, nannies, helpers, medical professionals, health professionals and people who make a difference for kids.

Three key principles we stand by:

  • it’s not only about the 3 Rs: reading, writing and arithmetic that count – we work with 8 distinct intelligences available to your baby
  • the child brain is at the highest level of neural activity: creativity peaks – it’s your window of opportunity
  •  do constructive things with your baby each day. Lack of neuronal stimulation leads to reduced neuronal connectivity… so make the most of early childhood and give your baby the best start!
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